
A measles outbreak once led to court-ordered vaccinations

In the midst of the current measles outbreak and ongoing debates about a parent’s right to not vaccinate their children, some might wonder how bad it needs to get before legitimate requirements should be put in place. As of right now, it doesn’t seem likely that the legal system will get involved. But back in […]

There’s an anti-vaccine children’s book. Guess what the Amazon reviews are like?

Australian anti-vaxxer Stephanie Messenger self-published her children’s book “Melanie’s Marvelous Measles” in 2012. Pretty catchy title, right? The book’s purpose is to “educate children on the benefits of having measles and how you can heal from them naturally and successfully.” “Often today, we are being bombarded with messages from vested interests to fear all diseases […]

Some state lawmakers getting serious about measles vaccine requirement

As the measles outbreak continues to spread, mostly on the West Coast with with some 120 cases thus far, some lawmakers have had enough and are willing to remove exemptions based on personal beliefs. Those states include California, Oregon and Washington state. And Ohio, though not in the hot zone, has already extended a law […]

Vivek Murthy on vaccines and medical marijuana

Surgeon General Vivek Murthy took to “CBS This Morning” Wednesday to state the safety of measles vaccines and touch on medical marijuana research. Of course, he believes vaccines are safe, and he goes into some details about how the current measles situation is playing out and what the numbers really look like. He hasn’t always […]

This anti-vaccination comic kind of says it all

This commentary is pretty right on. It was posted to Reddit yesterday with the title, “History repeats itself. Anti-vac comic from the 1940s.” The Huffington Post did a little background hunting and found that a post on a blog devoted to comic history, Super I.T.C.H, said the comic is from a 1930 cartoon booklet titled “Health […]

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Did Obama really make the vaccine-autism link? Really?

The vaccine debate continues to roll on, but it’s clear that President Obama knows where he stands when he calls the science behind vaccines “indisputable. … I just want people to know the facts and science and the information. And the fact is that a major success of our civilization is our ability to prevent […]

What Disneyland taught the medical community

Measles, a disease that has been nearly eradicated in the US, is now resurfacing. Anyone who has been watching the news knows that the source originated in Disneyland. The majority of those infected are people who are unvaccinated. In fact, there are now 30 babies in quarantine as a result of this exposure. Opponents of […]

An open letter to pediatricians (how would you answer it?)

Families that don’t vaccinate their children are true enemies of health and science. We know this. But where are the pediatricians in all this? The role of doctors in convincing parents to vaccinate their children can be a little tricky. This Reddit user claiming to be a medical resident (and also claims to be married […]

Here are the 9 worst states to live in if you have kids

Vaccinations are obviously a hot topic for debate – it’s exhausting. But with the recent measles outbreak at Disneyland, it’s even more clear that this is getting just a bit ridiculous. Parents really want to know who’s vaccinated and who’s not. And families in some states should be a little more concerned than others, according […]

Ebola Watch: Scientists need virus samples now for potential vaccine

For scientists in the U.S., having access to Ebola samples is key to understanding how the virus is mutating, which allows them to develop new drugs, vaccines and diagnostics. According to Reuters, 8 out of 10 scientists contacted were not able to get access to samples of the virus. But, at Tulane University, researchers did receive […]